4 Things to Do on Get to Know Your Customers Day

4 Things to Do on Get to Know Your Customers Day

Today is Get to know Your Customers Day! If you’re thinking “I’m sure I celebrated this just a few months ago”, you probably did. That’s because get to know your customers day is celebrated on the third Thursday of each quarter. That’s 4 days a year for business owners to reconnect and engage with their loyal customers.

While this is something that business owners should be doing regardless, this day allows you to refocus on all the things that you typically do to help you connect more with your customers, things that have taken a backseat since the last quarter.

Whether you are new to Get to Know Your Customers Day or need a quick refresher course or need some inspiration for new ideas, don’t worry we’ve got you covered.

Here are 4 key ways to celebrate it the right way.

1. Have a conversation with your customers

At a time where communicating with your customers via email and social media is the norm, don’t forget to also do it the old-fashioned way.

Take a moment to have a chat with your regulars. Ask them questions about their friends, family, or the latest episode of The Apprentice. A major issue that has been identified throughout this pandemic are people feeling isolated. Latest studies suggest depression rates have doubled since the Covid-19 pandemic.

Even now you can find reports of elderly members of the public who visit a supermarket and other stores, not because they need items but because they enjoy being able to chat with staff to avoid feeling lonely. Here at motto, we’ve noticed just how this pandemic has taken a toll among elderly members of the public and we do our part by donating to Wishing Hearts Charity. An organisation dedicated to helping elderly people feel less alone and isolated.

So, take a moment to speak with your regular customers who visit your business. You’d be surprised how making an effort to converse with your customers encourages them to visit your establishment more frequently.

Café owner speaking with customers

2. Give out a prize for feedback

It’s not enough to just politely ask for feedback. No matter how quick the survey is, customers still have to take the time out of their busy schedules to complete it. They want to know what’s in it for them. Announce to your customers that they will be entered in a raffle or could win a small prize or free product if they complete your feedback survey.

Obtaining feedback is a great way to learn more about your customers. It’s also a great way to learn what they like and what you should improve, which is essential for the smooth operation of your business.

Another added benefit is when you receive positive feedback you can use it as a testimonial on your marketing channels.

Café owner serving coffee

3. Implement a loyalty programme

A common misconception when it comes to introducing loyalty schemes is that you have to give away free items. If you want to encourage loyalty and regular visits among your customers, you don’t have to give away the whole store to do it. Retaining existing customers is just as important as attracting new ones. Research suggests that the probability of selling to an existing customer is 60% to 70%, while the chances of selling to a new customer are just 5% to 20%.

Still not convinced?

Studies also suggest existing customers spend an average of 31% more than new customers. They’re also easier to sell to. It costs five times as much to attract a new customer than to keep an existing one.

With statistics like these, the question becomes, if you don’t already have a loyalty scheme in place, why not? Another common misconception is that loyalty schemes are reserved for larger businesses that can afford them. Loyalty technology has come a long way and is no longer just for big businesses to increase their revenues. Our loyalty solutions are proof of that. We provide loyalty solutions that are easy to implement and manage.

Is your business suffering as a result of the quieter winter months? No problem; with our loyalty solutions, you can quickly turn them on during slower months to boost trade and turn them off when they aren’t required.

There is no need to give away free products until the customer has visited your store frequently, made multiple purchases, and accrued rewards over time through the loyalty programme.

This means that when you give out discounts and free things, you’re doing so while increasing your sales and revenues, and your overall ROI. You get all of these advantages while also rewarding your customers.

Also, our solutions include a gamification feature for instant gratification to further entice customers.

Another key aspect of our solutions is our reporting feature. You’ll gain insights into top-selling items and determine which campaigns work best and for which customers. Perfect for Get to Know Your Customers Day.

Our solutions are also contactless. You redeem points the same way you would make a contactless payment. Just tap and go. There’s no need for your customer to download an app as other business loyalty campaigns require. Our solutions remember the card or payment device used by the customer to identify any loyalty rewards they’re entitled to.

It’s perfect for small businesses just getting started with loyalty.

Payment loyalty giff

4. One for restaurant retailers – Don’t skip on the table service

The latest data from Statista reveals 25% of 18 to 24-year-olds eat at sit-down restaurants a few times a month, and a further 6% said they do so once a week. According to recent figures from Lumina Intelligence UK Eating Out Market Report 2021, dining-in occasions grew from 70.6% to 74% between July and October, when restrictions were not in place for hospitality venues.

What better way to get to know your customers than by serving them at their table? Restaurateurs still value open and personal service, and striking up a discussion with your patrons when they dine in is a great way to discover more about them.

In addition, it allows you to also offer a friendly and enhanced service that will lead them to revisit your business the next time they dine out.

Here at motto, we have just the type of devices to help enhance your table services. Our handheld devices allow table orders to be processed on the spot and automatically pushed through to the bar and kitchen. Payment can also be processed there and then. There will be no scribbling down orders and running to the kitchen to process them. There is also no rushing to the bar or fixed till and having to wait until the fixed till is available to process the order. Everything is done instantaneously leaving you with extra time to get to know your customers.

Man taking order from dine in customers

Like what you’ve heard?

If we’ve piqued your interest, then get in touch. Take a look at some of our other blogs and case studies to see how we’ve assisted and supported a variety of businesses.

Please contact one of our friendly and knowledgeable sales reps if you are looking for Online Ordering, EPOS, Payments, or Loyalty systems. If you’re curious about how motto can assist you, fill out our form and get started on your motto journey today.


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