Valentine’s Day: Tips, Hacks, and Tricks

Valentine’s Day: Tips, Hacks, and Tricks

With Valentine’s Day approaching, many businesses will be preparing. Perhaps you own a restaurant and have created a special Valentine’s Day set menu. Perhaps your shop is stocked with unique Valentine’s Day gifts for loved ones. Whatever industry you are in, we have all the tips, tricks, and hacks you need to make the most of this annual celebration.

1. Your business and EPOS belong together

You might be wondering how EPOS (electronic point of sale) systems will help my business on Valentine’s Day? As your company prepares to welcome customers, having a quick payment and ordering process is critical to providing the best possible experience.

Customers may visit your restaurant for a meal, a special gift for a loved one, or to treat themselves to your beauty salon. Valentine’s Day is now celebrated in a variety of ways by many people. Making your processes as smooth as possible will result in the best customer experience possible.

At motto, we offer both handheld and fixed EPOS terminals, which are useful during busy periods and when serving many customers. Orders can be placed, and customer payments can be processed quickly. This results in excellent customer service and repeat orders, which means more profit for your company.

2. Offering something special for valentines

We are all aware that businesses use Valentine’s Day to increase their profits. Perhaps your company has ordered specific Valentine’s Day products, developed a set menu, or created a set of gifts or packages to sell. When it comes to changing prices and adding new products to your software, motto has made it simple. Using our EPOS software, you can easily update and adjust product pricing as well as add new products.

3. Celebrate your customers’ loyalty to you

Did you know that loyalty programmes are extremely important to businesses and customers? Loyalty schemes help develop customer connections, improve customer lifetime value.

On valentine’s day celebrate your customers. Use loyalty to offer a little something to say thank you to your customers. You could provide valentine’s day discounts and special offers. Our built-in loyalty programme allows you to create offers that customers can redeem for a percentage off or a free product. When you sign up with motto, you will be able to use this powerful loyalty tool to help you make even more profits in future annual celebrations.

4. Customers love shopping online

Many businesses focus solely on customers walking into your restaurant or store to buy products. Many couples and single customers will order take-out or order gifts online.

Signing up for our online platform Go Eat is the most effective way to promote your products online. You can easily make your personalised storefronts, upload your products, and have your subdomain and unique link. Selling your products online is another great way to increase revenues and profits for Valentine’s Day and other annual celebrations.

5. We love data

Valentine’s Day is an excellent time to examine real-time customer data. With the phrase “data is key” Our systems enable you to understand your sales, such as which products sold the most. Which meal did the majority of customers select? All of these vital insights will help you decide what to restock and what not to restock for Valentine’s Day next year.

Perhaps there was a particular card that you sold the most of or a one-of-a-kind gift that many of your customers adored. Use data to ensure that every time your business celebrates valentine’s day, you make the most of it and earn the most revenue possible.

Have we swept you off your feet?

We’d love to help your business, so if you’re looking to sell tea, food, or any other products, please contact one of our friendly and knowledgeable sales reps if you are looking for Online Ordering, EPOS, Payments, or Loyalty systems.

Take a look at some of our other blogs and case studies to see how we’ve assisted and supported a variety of businesses. If you’re curious about how motto can assist you, fill out our form and get started on your motto journey today.

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